Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Let us depart from wise-named Peerless, then, and spoil ourselves by the heals of our shoes. There was to be dancing in the pines! And GOD's wounds, that easy! It all had a great deal to do with women, I suppose. Flannel shirts in surprising shades of swamp and bruise. There were bone bracelets and a necklace of beaver-jaw. That easy. We pissed out our wisdom in the sand and dried up like salted snails. Oh, we could have been moist, certainly. Proper mud-men with sleak translucent membranes stretching across our armpits. But we weren't. We were troglodytes and lizard-folk. Gargoyles even, sunglasses shining in the bright. Naked, or mostly naked and breathing with the stones. There was no easy way in or out. That is regrettable, the blame of exiting. Yes, that is regrettable.