Friday, May 8, 2009

Precarious Assemblage

The Deification

aspect and symbol

sky-god of

and others like him.

Sure, this is old news.

things of a promethean leap

human image of the cyborg

in the wake

already disassembled and

conscious or not

re-embody her

makes sense in our epoch.

holistic, simultaneous, synthetic,

[while] linear, sequential, reductionist,

great human satisfaction

prosthetic cell phone world

sleek, polished,

gently a feather duster

two shining fingers

Join the people who will free you from housework

public interest, is making statements

of Voices

fragments possess a sales receipt

there is a certain pith;

ruminated and action of extraction XXXicided-detritextual units that, despite being fragments

itself an assemblage

observations of anecdotes about

node or cluster… to the profusion of fragments -process himself

form its body

extracted interlacing is replete with the detritus of history. This succession of archival fragments, this rattle of old men’s voices crashes forth in anaphoric piecemeal

ear for the sea-surge

plenitude of an old man in a low drone beneath the columns of false marble until the voices fairly fuse and the voice itself lifts itself



each fragment a brick. Go To! And burn them thoroughly!

neologisms such as

fused at the hip, though, they do not become nonsense.

mewling and gurgling at a Pentecostal church.

Neither of these

In other words

We might be crowded

can be reconfigured, he

wall of broken to bits and sifting

we might catch a drifts; here a pang of sadness ensconced in the laughter of young, there a brief and accidental illegitimate child of a hundred voices. What the combined and synthesized. Ttexts

system of relationships between latticeworks we may climb through which always in danger of falling.